Aesthetic medicine is, first and foremost, a restorative procedure, either by returning the skin to its original state after accident, injury or other event, or by rejuvenating and raising the self-esteem of those unhappy with their appearance.
After a detailed clinical history and expert evaluation, the best strategy to tackle the issues must be thoroughly explained as well as the benefits and risks of the intervention plan.
( * ) Requires Doctor Prescription
Coolsculpting® - Fat and Tone Reduction Session
Anti-Cellulite & Reshape Massage
Slimming Treatment - Flat Belly
Contouring, Cellulite and Firming Ritual - Hip and Thigh
Drainage Treatment - Heavy Legs
Beauty Treatments, Rejuvenation & Facial Harmonization
Venus Legacy® - Anti-Wrinkle, Elasticity and Firmness
Medical Peelings
Belkyra - Fat Redution
Biostimulation Sculptra - Face or Body
Skin Booster
Facial Mesolift
Beautification using Derma Fillers
Magical Threads Lift
Facial Biostimulation with Platelet Rich Plasma (PRP)
Dental Aesthetics Medical Treatments
Aesthetics Restoration
Ceramic Crowns